Well Vapor Sampling – eco PLUG
$9.99 – $32.50
Well Vapor Sampling Monitoring Wells with
2 inch ecoPLUGs
Well Vapour Sampling ecoPLUGs are lockable monitoring well plugs incorporating a valve system to allow for the sampling of trapped head space gases. They are available in 2 inch (5 cm) size to match the inside diameter of monitoring wells. Use a port adapter to extract the well head gases.
IMPORTANT – SOLD SEPARATELY – Port Adapter for Well Vapor Sampling connects to the top of the ecoPLUG and is required to retrieve well head space gas. To avoid cross contamination it is recommended to dedicate one per Well Plug.
All ecoBailer products are PFAS FREE.
Learn More about Vapor Sampling ecoPlugs
Well Vapor Sampling eco PLUGs for monitoring wells include a valve system which allows the extraction of trapped head space vapors. Pressure tested to 20 PSI, these well plugs prevent the loss of well gas to the atmosphere. These tamper proof well plugs are tough and will withstand many years of use and abuse.
The Port Adapter for Well Vapor Sampling (SOLD SEPARATELY) allows the extraction of samples without removing the plug from the well. In order to draw out even more of the trapped head space gas, the Sample Port Adapter can be attached to a peristaltic pump
The Well Vapor Sampling eco PLUG is affordable and designed with a large sealing gasket.
Additional information
Well Inside Diameter | 1 inch (2.5 cm) ecoPlug, 2 inch (5 cm) ecoPlug, 4 inch (10cm) ecoPlug |